Selasa, 03 November 2015
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
Jumat, 30 Desember 2011
Isman Harianda
Dosen Politeknik Negeri Medan
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mendapatkan air tawar yang bersih diperoleh dari hasil penyulingan air laut
diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat pesisir pantai. Alat dibuat dengan kemiringan
kaca penutup 300 dan luas kolektor plat datarnya 0,25 m2
dan volume air laut 12,5 liter. Pengujian dilakukan jam 08.00 – 17.00 WIB,
bertempat di Laboratorium Teknik Konversi Energi Politeknik Negeri Medan dan hanya pada cuaca cerah
saja serta menghasilkan maksimum 323 milliliter/hari dan mendapatkan efisiensi 47%.
This research aims to get a clean fresh water is obtained from the distillation of sea water intended for coastal communities. The test rig is made with a slope of 300 and the glass cover flat plate collector area 0.25 m2 and a volume of 12.5 liters of sea water. Tests done at 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 pm, at the Laboratory of Energy Conversion Engineering Polytechnic Medan and only in clear weather it as well result in a maximum 323 milliliter / day and get 47% efficiency.
This research aims to get a clean fresh water is obtained from the distillation of sea water intended for coastal communities. The test rig is made with a slope of 300 and the glass cover flat plate collector area 0.25 m2 and a volume of 12.5 liters of sea water. Tests done at 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 pm, at the Laboratory of Energy Conversion Engineering Polytechnic Medan and only in clear weather it as well result in a maximum 323 milliliter / day and get 47% efficiency.
KATA KUNCI Destilasi, Air Bersih, Matahari.
Distillation, Fresh Water, Sun
Distillation, Fresh Water, Sun
Prinsip kerja distilasi surya tipe basin
diperlihatkan pada Gambar dibawah ini. Radiasi surya menembus kaca penutup dan
mengenai permukaan dari plat penyerap, maka plat penyerap akan panas, dan
energi panas dari plat penyerap akan memanasi air laut yang ada didalam kolam (basin). Air akan menguap dan berkumpul dibawah
permukaan kaca penutup. Oleh karena temperatur udara di dalam basin lebih tinggi dari pada temperatur lingkungan, maka
terjadi kondensasi yaitu uap berubah menjadi cair dan melekat pada kaca penutup
bagian dalam. Cairan (air bersih) akan mengalir mengikuti kemiringan kaca
penutup dan masuk kedalam kanal, terus mengalir ke tempat penampungan air bersih.
Sedangkan garam akan tinggal
diatas plat penyerap karena adanya perbedaan massa jenis.
The working principle of basin type solar distillation is shown in Figure below. Solar radiation through the glass cover plate and on the surface of the absorber, the absorber plate will be hot, and heat energy from the absorber plate will heat the sea water contained in the pond (basin). The water will evaporate and gather under the cover glass surface. Therefore, the air temperature inside the basin is higher than the ambient temperature, then place the vapor condensation turns into a liquid and attached to the inside of the cover glass. Fluid (water) will flow to follow the slope of the cover glass and into the canal, continued to flow into water reservoirs clean. While the salt will stay above the absorber plate because of differences in density.
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
Dosen Politeknik Negeri Medan
Prodi Teknik Konversi Enegi
ABSTRAK Electolyzer adalah alat yang dapat merubah air (H2O) yang
dicampur dengan katalis (soda kue) dan
diberi arus listrik yang berasal dari spull sepeda motor akan menghasilkan gas
HHO (H2 dan O2) yang mempunyai nilai oktan lebih tinggi
yang menyebabkan meningkatkan nilai
kalori dari bahan bakar dan menghasilkan daya ledak (H2) yang menyebabkan tenaga mesin sepeda motor
meningkat dan konsumsi BBM akan
berkurang (semakin hemat) .
Electolyzer is a tool that can changed the water (H2O) is mixed with a catalyst (baking soda) and given electric current from a motorcycle spull will produce HHO gas (H2 and O2), which has a higher octane value which causes the increase of the calorific value of fuel and produces explosive power (H2) which causes the motorcycle to increase the engine power and fuel consumption will be reduced (more efficient).
Electolyzer is a tool that can changed the water (H2O) is mixed with a catalyst (baking soda) and given electric current from a motorcycle spull will produce HHO gas (H2 and O2), which has a higher octane value which causes the increase of the calorific value of fuel and produces explosive power (H2) which causes the motorcycle to increase the engine power and fuel consumption will be reduced (more efficient).
Water, electrolyzer, fuel, HHO (H2).
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